Abisesh, @abiseshm, lives in Bhubaneswar, India, with his wife, his parents and his younger brother. “In our culture, we prefer to stay with the whole family,” he says.
He loves his diverse neighborhood because it’s close to so much nature—mountains, forests, lakes and rivers. “I feel connected to nature,” he says.
Not hard to believe when you look at his social media feed. But mixed in with his nature shots are images of his daily exercises, healthy meals, him hard at work or reading a book. He says he finds success connecting with his followers when he shares the authentic parts of his life.
“I focus on my regular activities that I have been doing and I create content around those,” he says. “A major portion of my social media following is fitness enthusiasts. So, it has been easy for me to connect with people all around the globe.”
Abisesh found time recently to answer some questions for Amway Global so we could share his insights and advice with others.
AG: Describe yourself in three words?
A: Honest, creative and a visionary.
AG: Who is someone you look up to or who inspires you? Why?
A: My father. … My parents started the business and now I’m the second generation. They created an opportunity for me to pass it down to the next generation to come.
AG: If you could have only one hobby, what would it be? What do you enjoy about it?
A: Travelling: new cuisines, exploring new cultures, focusing on my health, peace, new friends and most important, being one with the nature. … I promote healthy living and traveling helps me do that. Whenever someone asks me to go anywhere, I’m always ready.
AG: What do you do to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
A: Regular Exercise, Positive Attitude, Adequate Rest, and Balanced Nutrition. … When I wake up, the first thing I do is 5 minutes of meditation so that I can recollect all the learnings from yesterday. Then some stretching, some yoga or some kind of home workout.
AG: What goals are you working toward to live a healthier life?
A: To live longer, stronger and younger. … Being strong not only means physically, it may be mentally, emotionally, it may be spiritually. I want to have all the pillars of wellness.
AG: When did you join Amway? Why?
A: My parents started the business and now I am the second generation to work the business. I became an Amway business owner so I can fulfill my dreams; I can fulfill my goals in my life.
AG: If you could pick only one Amway product to have for the rest of your life what would it be?
A: Nutrilite™ All Plant Protein Powder
AG: What makes you feel like a success?
A: When my teammates achieve something new and when my mentors feel proud of me.
AG: How does your personality come across in the way you run your Amway business?
A: I’ve always been taught to always think of others. Don’t do to others what I wouldn’t want done to me. This helps me get a clearer picture of the Amway philosophy and helps me grow the business.
AG: In one word, describe your ABO community?
A: Healthy
Follow Abisesh’s story on social, @abiseshm, to see what he is up to next.
To see more stories from Amway Business Owners and to learn about the Amway Creators visit www.creators.amwayglobal.com